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This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution. The scientific personalities of Luigi Cremona, Eugenio Beltrami, Salvatore Pincherle, Federigo Enriques, Beppo Levi, Giuseppe Vitali, Beniamino Segre and of several other mathematicians who worked in Bologna in the century — are examined by different authors, in some cases providing different view points. Most contributions in the volume are historical; they are reproductions of original documents or studies on an original work and its impact on later research.
The achievements of other mathematicians are investigated for their present-day importance. Salvatore Coen. Book Title : Mathematicians in Bologna — Editors : Salvatore Coen. Edition Number : 1. Number of Pages : X, Topics : History of Mathematical Sciences. Skip to main content. Search SpringerLink Search. Editors: Salvatore Coen 0. Salvatore Coen Bologna, Italy View editor publications. First book devoted to the study of the influence of the two world wars, Fascism and the setting up of the Italian Republic on scientific studies in Italy based on the scientific legacies of members of a single academic environment Significant and valuable contributions to algebraic geometry, differential geometry, operator and integration theory, real and complex analysis, mathematical physics are studied in a unique historical context Ample account of the mathematical scientific milestones made at the University of Bologna, established in , during the first century of the Italian state, — Includes supplementary material: sn.
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